Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Awakening of a young generation in Bryansk. Saturday June 25

Patty and I had a travel day today. We left Moscow at noon and by train traveled the 6 hours to Bryansk. I want to share about 2 young couples we had a long visit with on both ends of the railroad tracks, and both inspired us greatly and give me great insight as to what God is doing in Bryansk.
Before we left Moscow we spent lunch time with a charming and distinctive young couple, Alex (his common nickname is Babs) and Marina. They are getting married July 17, and have asked me to do their wedding and of course I'm honored. They have been studying in Moscow, but after marriage they are coming home to Bryansk to work and live. I've known them now for years as they have been instrumental in the young History Maker Church. Neither of them come from Christian families, but they have both made serious commitments of their lives to following Christ and serving Him with their talents. Babs (Alex) is an artist at heart. He certainly walks to a different drum beat. I often call him my Russian "hippie" friend, as he is very free spirited. He looks and lives the part well. He loves people, he adores kids, he always looks for ways to help the down and out people of the world. Marina is his fiance of now 2 years. She is beautiful physically, very bright, talented, and has a heart of gold. I've seen few young people anywhere in the world that loved God more than her. She speaks several languages fluently (Russian, English, and French). They are extremely moral people in a highly immoral society. And they are sold out. When they return to Bryansk full time, they are part of the core of History Maker Church. They have dedicated their summer to working with us in all our camps, beginning with History Makers, then the 2 kids camps as well. They are natural leaders and delightful people. They told us they are dedicating themselves to Gods work for the rest of their lives. Its also assuring to me that even Christian leaders from very traditional churches that a few years ago shunned them because of the way they looked, have now learned to lean on them and respect them because they live out what they believe.
Once in Bryansk we spent the evening with Pasha and Luba. This couple started History Maker Church. They have matured in so many ways, as parents, savy business leaders, and leaders in Gods church. Pasha is a little over 30 now, and Luba is 26. God has instilled in them a passion and vision that is growing. They are such positive and fun people. Pasha spoke of how in his business he in charge of about 25 people, and a large number of them are coming to camp next week. Luba spoke of the relationships with so many in her English school, and how it leading to opportunities of witness. Luba told of how Pasha does such a great job of building relationships with young adult orphans, and how some of them are coming to camp. They spoke with great enthusiasm about their plans for the camp that start Wednesday. They talked about how they are having Baptisms near the end of the History Maker camp which will be a totally inspirational experience.
Years ago we began to pray for a movement of God in Bryansk. I see this coming about through the lives of these 2 young couples. Pray for Bryansk. Pray for History Maker Camp that is this week. Pray for Babs and Marina, and Pasha and Luba. May their tribe increase!
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1 comment:

Sean Valley said...

Outstanding. Very excited for Marina and Babs!!!!