Sunday, June 26, 2011

21st Century Heroes who are transforming the Russian Church... Bezchitsa

The Bezchitsa Church in Bryansk, Russia is quite old and famous. They have a huge cathedral style building that sits at one of the busiest intersections in town. Thousands of people drive by every hour of every day. It also has a emotionally charged history of conflicts with the government during communist days, jailed church leaders, and persecution. Those are by gone days, and they like other Christian Churches in Russia are faced with the complacency of the general population toward spiritual things.
The Bezchitsa Church in Bryansk is in a "blood brother" relationship with LifeWay Church in Federal Way (my home church). And next week (July 4-10) we have a team from LifeWay here in Bryansk working with their childrens ministry leadership team hosting a childrens camp. The prayer is that 150 or so kids and workers will spend a great week at the campground in fun and building relationships with each other and God.
Last night (Sunday) Patty and I spent 3 hours in final planning with the 2 key Childrens ministry leaders from Bezchitsa, Oksana and Sergei, as well as our translator, a local english professor Irina, all of whom are active members of the church. They have also become really good friends. Its so nice to have a meeting where we get down to details, but there's lots of space for laughter. Sergei would break out into his stories at everyone's delight. Even though it was a planning session of lessons, crafts, schedules, etc, it is so obvious to us that God is doing something very special in Bryansk when we get a glimpse of the heart and vision of Sergei and Oksana, and Irina as well. These people are not only the salt of the earth, but they are sold out for cause of Christ and they truly get it! The old stories of persecutions from communist government are not part of the current reality, but they totally understand that the spiritual warfare against hopelessness away from God is as real now as ever, and they are just as dedicated as their former generation of Christian leaders to stand up for Christ. In their case, they are leading the charge by engaging their life in an ever growing ministry to children and youth. Churches can grow very complacent and sleepy over time, but they see their task as one that transforms the passion of ministry in their church from the youngest up. They see the need to address the mind set of the young Russian who are growing up in a totally different world than their grandparents and parents. They are not just leading a "program" of kids work, they see themselves as bringing Christ into a dark corner of the world.
Of the kids coming to camp next week, 60 percent of them I was told do not come from church attending families. There are several small mission churches in outlying areas that Bezchitsa is reaching out to and bringing kids. Bezchitsa is not only engaging their city, but they are being missionaries to others as well. Even this camp is not just used for a 1 week experience, but instead it is a platform to build a whole year of ministry to children and families.
Oksana is a single adult leader of childrens ministry in this church and an accountant by trade. Sergei is married with chidren and is the "Sunday School" and children's outreach director in this church and a computer programmer by trade. Irina is married and a mom and is by trade an english professor with a PHD at the local university by trade. These 3 are very special people who are living out their calling to serve the cause of Christ. They may not realize it, but they are transforming the vision and focus of Bezchitsa Church. There were heroes of the past for sure. But in my book these are the heroes of the faith for today.
Pray for the Bezchitsa Kids Camp that begins July 4.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Buck Burch said...

Praise the Lord for the work there, brother. Our prayers and thoughts are with you guys. In Him, Buck

Cat Lady said...

We love you Billy and Patty and are praying for you guys!